Flexible Dieting And IIFYM Meal Plans

This is Miranda's "then and now".
This is Miranda’s “then and now” comparison. When you work with us, you’re getting proven systems and support from people who’ve actually done it themselves and know where you are coming from.

For the longest time people have asking me to provide meal plans to go along with the Custom Flexible Dieting Guidelines my people have had so much great success following. Well… ask and ye shall receive!

As of right now… well… actually give us a couple of days to get it all set up, but as of let’s say next week we’ll be offering Custom IIFYM Meal Plans for purchase through the site. These plans will be put together by my friend and legendary graduate of my DHPT Via Email training program, Miranda, who has since gone on to become a Certified Nutritional Advisor in her own right. So, there you go. We’re not talking starvation, fad diets put together by unqualified people like you might get tricked into buying elsewhere!

Let’s hear from Miranda now.

Hey everyone!

Dave and I are here to crush every weightloss myth you’ve ever heard.

“Eat less than 1,200 calories a day to lose weight!” Yeah, false. “You can’t eat this or that when you’re dieting!” Guess what? That’s false too.
“You’ll lose weight if you do hours of cardio a day!” Yup, false again.

We can’t wait to get more people on board with flexible dieting, and on a workout regime that will actually give the results you want.

I mean come on, I’m living proof! I’ve lost 98lbs, I eat 2,000+ calories a day of pretty much whatever I want, and I continue to lose (albeit slowly) weight. My stomach is the flattest it’s ever been. I look good and I feel good. Yet people don’t believe me when I tell them that they CAN eat more than 1,200 calories a day. Well, you can. And you can stop labeling foods as “good” and “bad”, because that’s bullshit, and you can stop depriving yourself of pizza and any other “sinful” food. We’re gonna show you how to build up your metabolism and lose weight without going crazy and spending pointless hours at the gym.

We’re just two pretty rad people, joining up to help you become pretty rad too.

Update: Details and purchase links are now available on the Online Coaching page.

Author: davehpt

I'm DaveHPT, Maybe you've heard of me? Musician, rock star and recording artist. Published author. Former security industry professional. Personal Trainer, Online Coach and the INNOVATOR in Sports Nutrition.

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